Molecule Structure Research Centre, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia.

Laboratory of Mass Spectrometry

Research of molecular structure by mass-spectrometry.

Address: Azatutyan ave. 26 Yerevan 375014, Armenia

Tel: (37410) 287423 Fax: (37410) 282267 E-mail:


Recent publication:

Martirosyan S.S., Attaryan H.S., Grigoryan R.T., Panosyan H.A., Kinoyan F.S., Asratyan G.V., Matsoyan S.G., Synthesis and properties of 1-(b-bromemethyl)pyrazoles. Khim.Zh.Arm., 2004, 57, 3, 95-104, in russian.

Laboratory of Mass Spectrometry

The laboratory of Mass-Spectrometry and Chromatography has a modified high resolution MX1321A (Oreol, Russia) spectrometer with an attached Biochrom gas chromatograph and controlled by an IBM PC. It has three entering systems for compounds in three states- gas, liquid and solid.

Grigoryan T. Rudolf (1939) - head of laboratory, candidate of Chem. sciences (1978, Yerevan, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Ph.D. Thesis: " Mass-spectrometry Investigation of Aliphatic Aminoalcohols and Their Derivatives").

- Mass-spectrometry investigation of the series of alcoxyphenylsubstituted sukcinimides and hydantoins for discovery of the possibility of correlation between mass-spectrometry characteristics and biological activity of these compounds.

Past staff

Odabashyan A. Boris (1932) - candidate of chem. sciences (1973, Yerevan State University, Ph.D. Thesis: "SAR Investigation of Drug Compounds and The Determination of The Purifity Degree and Isomeric Composition of Chemical Compounds by The Gas-Liquid and High Efficiency Liquid Chromatography Methods").

Mirzoyan H. Robert (1934) - Senior Scientific Researcher, candidate chem. Sciences (1976, Moscow State University, Ph.D. Thesis: "Mass-spectrometry Investigation of The Biologically Active Alkoxybenzyl- and Alkoxyphenyl- pyrimidines").

Last Update: November 22th, 2005
By: Rudolf Grigorian (