Aram M. Petrosyan,
Head of Crystal growth group,
Molecule Structure Research Center NAS RA,
26 Azatutyan Ave., 375014, Yerevan, Armenia
e-mail :
fax: (37410) 282267
phone: (37410) 221933(home) (37410) 285139 (office)
Dr. Petrosyan has discovered new ferroelectric a-KIO3.HIO3, revealed the greatest number of materials displaying electroacoustic (polarization, phonon) echo. He has formulated the criterion for searching new nonphotorefractive dopants for lithium niobate and offered the greatest number of such dopants (Sc, Zr, Hf, etc.). It was shown that an entire class of salts with double charged arginine cation exist and prepared and grown numerous crystalline salts of arginine, histidine, etc. Author of more than 80 publications, including four inventions.

1993 Individual grant of the International Science Foundation.
1996 -1999 CRDF Grant No. AP2-101 // Investigation of the Nature of Photorefractive Effect Suppression and Growth of Optical Damage Resistant Lithium Single Crystals with Controlled Properties. // US Collaborator Prof. Robert S. Feigelson, Stanford University.
1998 -1999 NFSAT/CRDF Grant No. AB2-958/ACH- 009-98 // Synthesis, Growth and Investigation of New Nonlinear Optical Crystals in the L-Arginine Phosphate Monohydrate (LAP) Family. // US Collaborator Prof. Eric W. Van Stryland, University of Central Florida, CREOL.
2001 ANSEF Grant No. PS8-00 // Interaction of L-arginine with dicarboxylic acids. // US Collaborators: Prof. R.S. Feigelson, Stanford University and Prof. E.W. Van Stryland, University of Central Florida, CREOL.
2002 ANSEF Grant No. PS92 // Search for new nonlinear optical crystals among L-Histidine salts. // Collaborators: Prof. M.Yu. Antipin and Prof. S. Haussuhl
2004-2006 CRDF Grant No. AE2-2533-YE-03 // Growth and investigation of nonlinear optical crystals of L-arginine, its new derivative and L-histidine salts. US Collaborator Prof. M.Yu. Antipin, New Mexico Highlands University.

The initial range of interests of the leader of Crystal Growth Group Dr. A.M. Petrosyan involved noncentrosymmetric materials displaying electroacoustic (polarization, phonon) echo. He revealed the greatest number of such materials. After discovery with co-authors a new ferroelectric alpha-KIO3.HIO3-the first representative in the family of acid iodates, he prepared and investigated various iodartes, which able to display piezo-, pyro-, ferroelectric and nonlinear optical (NLO) properties. Since the middle of the eighties he had been interested in crystals of iodates with organic cations (urea, guanidine, ethylendiamine, alanine, etc.). Simultaneously he engaged in the work on improving of growth technology of widely used NLO crystals: alpha-LiIO3, beta-BaB2O4, LiNbO3 etc. Together with co-authors he invented the improved technology of the charge preparation for crystal growth of beta-BaB2O4. Observing the peculiar behavior of magnesium during recrystallization of alpha-LiIO3, he had been interested in phenomenon of suppression of photorefraction in LiNbO3 by doping with magnesium above definite (threshold) concentration discovered by Chinese researchers. Independently from others he offered an explanation of threshold character of magnesium concentration. In addition, he has formulated the criterion for searching new nonphotorefractive dopants and offered the greatest number of such dopants (Sc, Zr, Hf, etc.). His interest in crystals of iodates with organic cations (urea iodate etc.) led him naturally to the crystalline salts of amino acids after discovery of NLO properties of L-arginine phosphate monohydrate (LAP) by Chinese researchers. Together with co-authors he prepared and grown numerous crystalline salts of alanine, betaine, lysine, arginine, histidine, etc. It was shown that an entire class of salts with double charged arginine cation exist. Crystalline salts of protonated optically active amino acids represent an important class of semiorganic crystals, which can combine the positive features of both, organic and inorganic crystals

Selected Publications of the last 4 years

  1. Petrosyan A.M., Feigelson R.S., Van Stryland E.W., Sukiasyan R.P., Karapetyan H.A. // New class of nonlinear optical crystals among arginine salts. Proc. SPIE , Vol. 4751, 217-222 (2002).
  2. Haussuhl S., Karapetyan H.A., Petrosyan A.M. // Crystal structure and properties of L-arginine diphosphate. Z. Kristallogr. 218, 501-506(2003).
  3. Terzyan S.S., Karapetyan H.A., Sukiasyan R.P., Petrosyan A.M. // L-arginine nitrates. J. Molec. Structure, 687, 111-117(2004).
  4. Petrosyan A.M., Karapetyan H.A., Bush A.A., Sukiasyan R.P. // Crystal structure and characterization of L-arginine dichloride monohydrate and L-arginine dibromide monohydrate. Materials Chemistry and Physics 84(1), 79-86(2004).
  5. Petrosyan H.A., Karapetyan H.A., Antipin M.Yu., Petrosyan A.M. // Nonlinear optical crystals of L-histidine salts. J. Crystal Growth 275(1-2), e1919-e1925 (2005).
  6. Petrosyan A.M., Sukiasyan R.P., Karapetyan H.A., Antipin M.Yu., Apreyan R.A. // L-arginine oxalates. J. Crystal Growth 275(1-2), e1927-e1933 (2005).
  7. Petrosyan A.M., Karapetyan H.A., Sukiasyan R.P., Aghajanyan A.E., Morgunov V.G., Kravchenko E.A., Bush A.A. // Crystal structure and characterization of L-arginine chlorate and L-arginine bromate. J. Molec. Struct. 752(1-3), 144-152 (2005).

Selected presentations of the last 5 years.

  1. Petrosyan A.M., Feigelson R.S., Van Stryland E.W., Sukiasyan R.P., Karapetyan H.A. // New class of nonlinear optical crystals among arginine salts. XVII Intern. Conf. on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics (ICONO 2001), June 26-July 1, 2001, Minsk, Belarus.
  2. Petrosyan A.M., Sukiasyan R.P., Karapetyan H.A., Feigelson R.S., Van Stryland E.W. // L-arginine salts are promising matewrials for non-linear optics. Abstacts of Materials Research Society 2001 Fall Meeting, Symposium K: Microphotonics- Materials, Physics, and Applications. Boston, USA, Nov. 26-30, 2001.
  3. Petrosyan H.A., Karapetyan H.A., Antipin M.Yu., Petrosyan A.M. // Nonlinear optical crystals of L-histidine salts. 14-th Intern. Conf. on Crystal Growth (ICCG-14), 9-13 Aug. 2004, Grenoble, France.
  4. Petrosyan A.M., Sukiasyan R.P., Karapetyan H.A., Antipin M.Yu., Apreyan R.A.// L-arginine oxalates. 14-th Intern. Conf. on Crystal Growth (ICCG-14), 9-13 Aug. 2004, Grenoble, France.
  5. Petrosyan A.M., Alchangyan S.V., Petrosyan H.A.// Growth of L-histidine perchlorate crystals. 14-th Intern. Conf. on Crystal Growth (ICCG-14), 9-13 Aug. 2004, Grenoble, France.
  6. Petrosyan A.M., Karapetyan H.A., Sukiasyan R.P., Aghajanyan A.E., Morgunov V.G., Kravchenko E.A. // Bush A.A., NQR, IR studies and crystal structure determination of L-arginine bromate and L-arginine chlorate. XVII Intern. Symp. on Nuclear Quadrupole Interactions(XV NQI 2004), 23-27 Aug. 2004, Bonn, Germany.
  7. Antipin M.Yu.,Lyssenko K.A., Karapetyan H.A., Petrosyan A.M. // Electronic density distribution in N-oxalyl-L-arginine (NOLA) crystal. 17th Annual Workshop on Recent Developments in Electronic Structure Methods. Cornell University Ithaca, NY, USA 24-26 June, 2005.
  8. Antipin M.Yu.,Lyssenko K.A., Karapetyan H.A., Petrosyan A.M. // Infrared and Raman spectra, structure and electron density distribution of L-arginine dioxalate. Abstracts of VIIIth Intern. Conf. on Molecular Spectroscopy, Wroclaw-Ladek Zdroj, 13-18 Sept. 2005.