Books and Reviews
- Diehl P., Khetrapal C.L., NMR Studies of Molecules Oriented in the Nematic
Phase of Liquid Crystals. NMR: Basic Princ. Progr., eds. P.Diehl, E.Fluck,
and R.Kosfeld, Springer, Berlin, 1969, 1, 1-95.
- Bulthuis J., NMR in Liquid Crystalline Solvents: Complications in Determining
Molecular Geometries. Internal Scholarly Book Services, Portland.Orc, 1974.
- Emsley J.W., Lindon J.C., NMR Spectroscopy Using Liquid Crystal Solvents.
Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1975, p.367.
- Khetrapal J.C., Kunwar A.C., Trasey A.S., Diehl P., NMR Studies in Liophases.
NMR: Basic Principles and Progress, eds. P.Diehl, E.Fluck, and R.Kosfeld,
Springer, Berlin, 1975, 9, 1.
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Liquid Crystals. ed. Emsley J.W., NATO
Advanced Study Institute, ser.C, v.141. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht,
Holland, 1985. (23 review, see contents)
- Dong R.Y., NMR of Liquid Crystals. Springer, New York, 1994, 260pp.
- NMR of Ordered Liquids. eds. E.E.Burnell, and Lange. Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht, 2003, 455pp. (19 review, see contents)
Review in books
- P.Diehl, H.Kellerhals, E.Lustig. Computer assistance in the analysis
of high resolution NMR spectra. in "NMR Basic Principles and Progress",
eds. P.Diehl, E.Fluck, and R.Kosfeld, Springer, Berlin, 1972, vol.6,
- C.L.Khetrapal, A.C.Kunwar, A.S.Tracey, P.Diehl. NMR Studies in Lyophases.
in "NMR Basic Principles and Progress", eds. P.Diehl, E.Fluck,
and R.Kosfeld, Springer, Berlin, 1975, vol. 9, 1-
- Lunazzi L., Molecular Structures by NMR in Liquid Crystals. Determination
of organic structure by physical methods. Eds. F.C.Nashod, J.J.Zuckerman
and E.W.Randall, Academic Press, New York, 1976, vol.6, 335-413.
- Wade C.G., NMR relaxation in thermotropic liquid crystals. Annual Rev.Phys.Chem.,
Palo Alto, Calif., 1977, vol.28, 47-73.
- Khetrapal C.L., Kunwar A.C., NMR studies of molecules oriented in thermotropic
liquid crystals. in Adv.Magn.Reson., 1977, 9, 301-427.
- Schumann C., NMR and ESR studies. in "Handbook of Liquid Crystals"
(H.Kelker and R.Hatz, Eds.). Verlag Chemie, Wienneim, 1980, chap.10, 428-
- Khetrapal C.L., Kunwar A.C., NMR Spectroscopy of Molecules Oriented
in Liquid Crystalline Solvents. in Adv.Liq.Cryst., 1983, vol.6, 173-242.
- Chachaty C., Quaegebur J.P., Perly B., NMR and Molecular motions in
lyotropic liquid crystals. in "Struct.Dyn.Mol.Syst.", ed. R.Damdel,
Reidel, Dordrecth, 1985, 187-201.
- Diehl P. Jokisaari J., NMR studies in liquid crystals: Determination
of solute molecular geometry. in "NMR in Stereochemical Analysis",
eds. Y.Takeuchi and A.P.Marchand, VCH Publishers, Deerfield Beach, FL,
Methods in Stereochemical Analysis. 1986, vol. 6, 41-73.
- Lindman B., Soderman O., Wennerstrom H., in "NMR studies of Surfactant
Systems", ed. R.Zann, New York, 1987, 295-357.
- Khetrapal C.L., Recent advances and future directions of NMR of oriented
molecules. in Magnetic Resonance: Current Trends. Narosa Publ.House, New
Delhi, India, 1991, 42-51.
- Diehl P., NMR Spectroscopy and Accurate Molecular Geometry. in Int.Union
Crystallogr. Monogr.Crystallog., 1992, 1, 229-321.
- Lindblom G., in "NMR Spectroscopy in Lipid Phase Behavior and Lipid
Diffusion", ed. W.W.Christie, Dundy, 1996, 133-209.
- Encyclopedia of NMR. 8-Volume Set Published by John Wiley and Sons.
Ed.: D.M.Grant and R.K.Harris, 1996, Section ed. - J.W.Emsley, (More
than 29 articles concerned aligned molecules).
- Tolman J.R., Al-Hashimi H.M., NMR Studies of Biomolecular Dynamics and
Structural Plasticity Using Residual Dipolar Couplings. in "Annual Reports on
.NMR Spectroscopy", Elsevier, 2003, vol.51, 106-166.
- Dong R.Y., Advances in NMR Studies of Liquid Crystals. n "Annual Reports on
.NMR Spectroscopy", Elsevier, 2004, vol.53, 68-157.
Review in journals
- Meiboom S., Hewitt R.C., Snyder L.C., Developments in NMR in liquid
crystalline solvents. Pure Appl.Chem., 1972, 32, 1-4, 251-261.
- Buckingham A.D., Molecular structure determination by NMR spectroscopy.
Pure Appl.Chem., 1974, 40, 1, 1-11.
- Blinc R., Spin-lattice relaxation in nematics via the modulation of
the intramolecular dipolar interactions by order fluctuations. NMR Basic
Princ.Progr., 1976, 13, 97-111
- Lunazzi L., Molecular structures and conformations by NMR spectroscopy
in liquid crystals. J.Mol.Struct., 1978, 46, 421-429.
- Khetrapal C.L., Application of NMR of oriented systems in biochemistry
and biophysics. Int.J.Quant.Chem., 1981, 20, 485-494.
- Khetrapal C.L., NMR spectroscopy of oriented molecules and its application
to Inorganic chemistry. J.Indian Chem.Soc., 1982, 59, 2, 164-169.
- Lounila J., Jokisaari J., Anisotropies in spin-spin coupling constants
and chemical shifts as determined from the NMR spectra of molecules oriented
by liquid crystal solvents. Progress in NMR Spectr., 1982, 15, 250-290.
- Israel J.Chem., 1983, 23, issue 3,named Magnetic Resonance in liquid crystals.
ed. Z.Luz, (include 18 review).
- Liq.Cryst., 1988, v.3, 6/7, 663-956, (Special issue,
including 26 review).
- Khetrapal C.L., Becker E.D., NMR of oriented molecules. Magn.Reson.Rev.,
1991, 16, 35-56 (91 ref.).
- Jokisaari J., NMR of Noble gases dissoolved in isotropic and anisotropic
liquids. Progress NMR Spectrosc., 1994, 26, 1, 1-26
- Courtieu J., Bayle J.P., Fung B.-M., Variable angle sample spinning
NMR in liquid crystals. Progress NMR Spectrosc., 1994, 26, 2, 141-169.
- Blinc R., The impact of NMR of the field of liquid crystals.
Liq.Cryst., 1999, 26, 9, 1295-1300.
- Yan J., Zartler E.R., Application of residual dipolar couplings in organic
compounds. Magn.Reson.Chem., 2005, 43, 1, 53-64
- Dvinskikh S.V., Sandstrom D., Zimmermann H., Maliniak A., Carbon-13 NMR
spectroscopy to columnar liquid crystals. Progress NMR Spectrosc., 2006, 48, 85-107.
- Domenici V., Geppi M., Veracini C.A., NMR in chiral and achiral smectic phases:
Structure, orientational order and dynamics. Progress NMR Spectrosc., 2007, 50, 1-50.
- Thiele C.M., Use of RDCs in rigid organic compounds and some practical considerations concerning alignment media. Concepts Magn.Reson.A, 2007, 30, 2, 65-80.
Review in journals (biomolecules)
- Khetrapal C.L. Application of NMR of oriented systems in biochemistry
and biophysics. Int.J.Quant.Chem., 1981, 20, 485-494.
- Marassi F.M., Opella S.J., NMR structural studies of membrane proteins. Curr.Opin.Struct.Biol., 1998, 8, 640-648.
- Prestegard J.H., New techniques in structural NMR - Anisotropic interactions,
Nature Struct.Biol., NMR Suppl., 1998, 5, 517-522.
- Mollova E.T, Pardi A., NMR solution structure determination of RNAs. Curr.Opin.Struct.Biol., 2000, 10, 298-302.
- Arora A., Tamm L.K., Biophysical approaches to membrane protein structure determination. Curr.Opin.Struct.Biol., 2001, 11, 540-547.
- Bax A., Kontaxis G., Tjandra N., Dipolar couplings in macromolecular structure determination, Meth.Enzymol, 2001, 339, 127-174
- Brunner E., The use of residual dipolar couplings in protein NMR. Concepts Magn.Reson., 2001, 13, 238-259.
- Tolman J.R., Dipolar couplings as a probe of molecular dynamics and structure in solution. Curr.Opin.Struct.Biol., 2001, 11, 532-539.
- Zidek L., Stefl R., Sklenar V., NMR methodology for the study of nucleic acids. Curr.Opin.Struct.Biol., 2001, 11, 275-281.
- Al-Hashimi H.M., Patel D.J., Residual dipolar couplings: Synergy between NMR and structural genomics. .J.Biomol.NMR, 2002, 22, 1, 1-8.
- Clore G.M., Schwieters C.D., Theoretical and computational advances in biomolecular NMR spectroscopy.
Curr.Opin.Struct.Biol., 2002, 12, 146-153.
- Gronenborn A.M., The importance of being ordered: improving NMR structures
using residual dipolar couplings. C.R.Biologies, 2002, 325, 957-966.
- MacDonald D., Lu P., Residual dipolar couplings in nucleic acid structure determination. Curr.Opin.Struct.Biol., 2002, 12, 3, 337-343.
- Shahkhatuni A.A., Shahkhatuni A.G., Determination of the three-dimensional structure for weakly aligned biomolecules by NMR spectroscopy.
Rus.Chem.Rev., 2002, 71, 12, 1005-1040.
- Bax A., Weak alignment offers new NMR opportunities to study protein
structure and dynamics. Protein Sci., 2003, 12, 1, 1-16.
- Annila A., Permi P., Weakly aligned biological macromolecules in dilute
aqueous liquid crystals. Concepts in Magn.Reson., 2004, 23A, 1, 22-37.
- de Alba E., Tjandra N., Residual dipolar couplings in protein structure
determination. Methods Mol.Biol., 2004, 278, 89-106.
- Lipsitz R.S., Tjandra N., Residual dipolar couplings in NMR structure
analysis, Annu.Rev.Biophys.Biomol.Struct., 2004, 33, 387-413.
- Opella S.J., Marassi F., Structure determination of membrane proteins by NMR
spectroscopy. Chem.Rev., 2004, 104, 3587-3606.
- Prestegard J.H., Bougault C.M., Kishore A.I., Residual dipolar couplings in
structure determination of biomolecules. Chem.Rev., 2004, 104, 8, 3519-3540.
- Bax A., Grishaev A., Weak alignment NMR: a hawk-eyed view of biomolecular
structure. Curr.Opin.Struct.Biol., 2005, 15, 563-570.
- Blackledge M., Recent progress in the study of biomolecular structure and
dynamics in solution from RDCs. Progr.NMR Spectr., 2005, 46, 1, 23-61
- De Angelis A.A., Jones D.H., Grant C.V., Park S.H., Mesleh M.F., Opella S.J.,
NMR experiments on aligned samples of membrane proteins. Methods in Enzym., 2005, 394, 350-382.
- Prestegard J.H., Mayer K.L., Valafar H., Benison G.C., Determination of
protein backbone structures from RDCs. Methods in Enzym., 2005, 394, 175-209.
- Tamm L.K., Liang B., NMR of membrane proteins in solution. Progr.NMR Spectr.,
2006, 48, 4, 201-210.
- Tolman J.R., Ruan K., NMR residual dipolar couplings as probes of biomolecular
dynamics. Chem.Rev., 2006, 106, 1720-1736.
- Tate S., Anisotropic nuclear spin interactions for the morphology analysis of proteins
in solution by NMR spectroscopy. Anal.Sci., 2008, 24, 39-50.
Specialist Periodical Report. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Ed. G.A.Webb,
Chemical Society, London.
- Diehl P., Henrichs P.M., Oriented molecules. 1972, vol.1, 321-332 (July
1969 - May 1971, 84 ref.).
- Diehl P., Niederberger W., Oriented molecules. 1974, vol.3, 368-377
(June 1971 - May 1973, 91 ref.).
- Diehl P., Oriented molecules.1976, vol.5, 314-324 (June 1973 - June
1975, 108 ref.).
- Khetrapal C.L., Kunwar A.C., Oriented molecules. 1979, vol.8, 304-323
(June 1975 - May 1978, ).
- Khetrapal C.L., Kunwar A.C., Oriented molecules. 1980, vol.9, 245-255
(June 1978 - May 1979, 101 ref.).
- Khetrapal C.L., Kunwar A.C., Oriented molecules. 1982, vol.11, 248-263
(June 1979 - May 1981, 154 ref.).
- Khetrapal C.L., Oriented molecules. 1984, vol.13, 298-317 (June 1981
- May 1983, 158 ref.).
- Khetrapal C.L., Ramanathan K.V., Oriented molecules. 1986, vol.15, 346-373
(June 1983 - May 1985, 214 ref.).
- Khetrapal C.L., Arun Kumar B.S., Raghothama S., Oriented molecules.
1988, vol.17, 359-386 (June 1985 - May 1987, 178 ref.).
- Khetrapal C.L., Ramanathan K.V., Kunwar A.C., Oriented molecules. 1990,
vol. 19, (June 1987 - May 1989, 191 ref.).
- Khetrapal C.L., Ramanathan K.V., Oriented molecules. 1992, vol.21, 455-484
(June 1989 - May 1991, 213 ref.).
- Khetrapal C.L., Ramanathan K.V., Oriented molecules. 1994, vol.23, 439-463
(June 1991 - May 1993, 158 ref.).
- Khetrapal C.L., Ramanathan K.V., Oriented molecules. 1996, vol.25, 455-479
(June 1993 - May 1995, 150 ref.).
- Khetrapal C.L., Ramanathan K.V., Oriented molecules. 1998, vol.27, 458-484
(June 1995 - May 1997, 175 ref.).
- Khetrapal C.L., Ramanathan K.V., Nagana Gowda G.A., Oriented molecules. 2000,
vol.29, 534-563 (June 1997 - May 1999, 184 ref.).
- Khetrapal C.L., Nagana Gowda G.A., Ramanathan K.V., Oriented molecules. 2002,
vol.31, 534-563 (June 1999 - May 2001, 231 ref.).
- Ramanathan K.V., Nagana Gowda G.A., Khetrapal C.L., Oriented molecules.
2004, vol.33, 497-530 (June 2001 - May 2003, 267 ref.)
- Ramanathan K.V., Nagana Gowda G.A., Khetrapal C.L., Oriented molecules.
2006, vol.35, 486-532 (June 2003 - May 2005, 271 ref.)
Specialist Periodical Report. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.
Ed. G.A.Webb, Chemical Society, London.
- Tiddy G.J.T., Liquid crystals and micellar solutions. 1975, vol.4, 233-252
(June 1973 - May 1974, 97 ref.).
- Tiddy G.J.T., Liquid crystals and micellar solutions. 1977, vol.6, 207-232
(June 1974 - May 1976, 229 ref.).
- Tiddy G.J.T., Liquid crystals and micellar solutions. 1979, vol.8, 174-199
(June 1976 - May 1978, 256 ref.).
- Tiddy G.J.T., NMR of liquid crystals and micellar solutions. 1981, vol.10,
267-294 (June 1978 - May 1980, 287 ref.).
- Soderman O., Lindman B., Stilbs P., NMR of liquid crystals and micellar
solutions. 1983, vol.12, 302-338 (June 1980 - May 1982, 395 ref.).
- Soderman O., NMR of liquid crystals and micellar solutions. 1985, vol.14,
350-383 (June 1982 - May 1984, 371 ref.).
- Khan A., NMR of liquid crystals and micellar solutions. 1987, vol.16,
414-453 (June 1984 - May 1986, 471 ref.).
- Khan A., NMR of liquid crystals and micellar solutions. 1989, vol.18,
408-448 (June 1986 - May 1988, 438 ref.).
- Khan A., NMR of liquid crystals and micellar solutions. 1991, vol.20,
497-540 (June 1988 - May 1990, 393 ref.).
- Khan A., NMR of liquid crystals and micellar solutions. 1993, vol.22,
498-540 (June 1990 - May 1992, 381 ref.).
- Khan A., NMR of liquid crystals and micellar solutions. 1995, vol.24,
514-545 (June 1992 - May 1994, 325 ref.).
- Khan A., Caria A., NMR of liquid crystals and micellar solutions. 1997, vol.26,
500-533 (June 1994 - May 1996, 294 ref.).
- Khan A., NMR of liquid crystals and micellar solutions. 1999, vol.28,
522-555 (June 1996 - May 1998, 295 ref.).
- Khan A., NMR of liquid crystals and micellar solutions. 2001, vol.30,
527-559 (June 1998 - May 2000, 250 ref.).
- Monduzzi M., NMR of liquid crystals and micellar solutions. 2003, vol.32,
520-558 (June 2000 - May 2002, 388 ref.).
- Monduzzi M., NMR of liquid crystals and micellar solutions. 2004, vol.33,
531-561 (June 2002 - May 2003, 188 ref.)
- Monduzzi M., NMR of liquid crystals and micellar solutions. 2005, vol.34,
523-552 (June 2003 - May 2004, 213 ref.)
- Monduzzi M., Murgia S., NMR of liquid crystals and micellar solutions. 2006, vol.35,
533-561 (June 2004 - May 2005, 220 ref.)
- Monduzzi M., Murgia S., NMR of liquid crystals and micellar solutions. 2007, vol.36,
397-418 (June 2005 - May 2006, 201 ref.)
Reviews in "Encyclopedia of NMR"
- Amphiphilic Liquid Crystalline Samples: Nuclear Spin Relaxation. B.Halle,
v. 2, 790-797
- Analysis of Spectra: Automatic Methods. D.S.Stephenson, v. 2, 816-821
- Anisotropy of Shielding & Coupling in Liquid Crystalline Solutions.
J.Jokisaari, v. 2, 839-848
- Bilayer Membranes: Deuterium & Carbon-13 NMR. M.F.Brown, S.I.Chan, v. 2,
- Bilayer Membranes: Proton & Fluorine-19 NMR. R.J.Pace, v. 2, 885-895
- Deuteron Relaxation Rates in Liquid Crystalline Samples: Experimental
Methods. G.L.Hoatson, R.L.Vold, v. 3, 1582-1592
- Dynamic NMR in Liquid Crystalline Solvents. R.Poupko, Z.Luz, v. 3, 1783-1797
- Liquid Crystalline Samples: Carbon-13 NMR. B.M.Fung, v. 4, 2744-2751
- Liquid Crystalline Samples: Deuterium NMR. R.Y.Dong, v. 4, 2752-2759
- Liquid Crystalline Samples: Diffusion. G.Lindblom, G.Oradd, v. 4, 2760-2768
- Liquid Crystalline Samples: Relaxation Mechanisms. P.L.Nordio, A.Ferrarini,
v. 4, 2768-2774
- Liquid Crystalline Samples: Spectral Analysis, M.Longeri, G.Celebre,
v. 4, 2774-2781
- Liquid Crystalline Samples: Structure of Nonrigid Molecules. J.W.Emsley,
v. 4, 2781-2787
- Liquid Crystals: General Considerations. J.W.Emsley, v. 4, 2788-2799
- Liquid Crystals: Mixed Magnetic Susceptibility Solvents. C.L.Khetrapal,
v. 4, 2800-2805
- Lyotropic Liquid Crystalline Samples. A.S.Tracey, v. 5, 2883-2890
- Membranes: Carbon-13 NMR. F.Separovic, B.A.Cornell, v. 5, 3003-3015
- Membranes: Deuterium NMR. J.H.Davis, v. 5, 3008-3015
- Membranes: Phosphorus-31 NMR. P.L.Yeagle, v. 5, 3015-3022
- Multiple Quantum Spectroscopy in Liquid Crystalline Solvents. L.D.Field,
v. 5, 3172-3181
- Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals. J.W.Doane, G.P.Crawford, v. 6, 3663-3668
- Spinning Liquid Cristalline Samples. J.Courtieu, v. 7, 4545-4552
- Structure of Rigid Molecules Dissolved in Liquid Crystalline Solvents.
P.Diehl, v. 7, 4591-4602
- Two-Dimensional NMR of Molecules Oriented in Liquid Crystalline phases.
A.Kumar, v. 8, 4857-4866
- Local Field Experiments in Liquid Crystals. S.Caldarelli, v. 9, 291-298
- Liquid Crystalline Samples: Application to Macromolecular Structure Determination.
A.Bax, J.J.Chou, B.E.Ramirez, v. 9, 401-412
- Saccharide-Protein Interactions. J.H.Prestegard, N.U.Jain, S.B.Laveri, v. 9, 441-448
- Chiral Liquid Crystal NMR: A Tool for Enantiomeric Crystals. J.Courtieu, P.Lesot,
A.Meddour, D.Merlet, C.Aroulanda, v. 9, 497-505
- Chiral Smectic Phases: NMR Studies. C.A.Veracini, M.Geppi, v. 9, 506-513
Last Update: April 22th, 2007
By: Alexan Shahkhatuni (