Date of birth: August 27, 1950
Place of Birth: Leninakan, Armenia
Sex: Male
Marital status: Married, have a son (24.06.75) and a daughter (2.01.79).
Work address: Molecular Structure Research Centre, National Academy
of Science, Azatutian av. 26, 375014 Yerevan, Republic of Armenia tel:
(8852) 287-423
Home address: 375087, Armenian SSR, Yerevan, Tikhi Don str., 27/42.
Phone 7-(8852) 471-274. E-mail
- 1996 and1994
- Postdoctoral study, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russian Academy
of Sciences, Moscow.
- 1989 and 1991
- Postdoctoral study Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University
- 1983-87
- Ph.D. student, NMR lab., Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University.Thesis:
"Solvent effects on the molecular structure investigated by NMR spectroscopy
in liquid crystals" Superviser: Prof. N.Sergeyev.
- Academic degree: Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics.
- 1979
- Visiting Researcher, Institute of Chemical Physics, Moscow (Laboratory
of Dr. Yu.Lebedev). Engaged in the problem of ESR in Liquid Crystals.
- 1967-72
- M.Sc., Department of Physics, Yerevan State University
- 1989
- USSR Competitive Grant (Apr.'89-Dec.'91). Research: Techniques, databases
and programs on NMR spectroscopy in liquid-crystalline solvents.
- 1992
- Armenia Ministry of Science and High Education Competitive Grant (July'92-July'95).
Research: NMR control methods for stereospecyfic synthesis in the orientated
- 1993
- Armenia Ministry of Science and High Education Competitive Grant (July'93-July'95).
Research: Analysis of Structure and Dynamics of the Scientific Potential
of Armenia.
- 1994-present
- Researcher, Molecular Structure Research Centre, National Academy of
Science, Armenia.
- Modern NMR spectroscopy.
- NMR spectroscopy in liquid crystals.
- Chemical Reactions in liquid crystals.
- 1993-1995
- Head of the group, Research Institute of Informational Systems. Science
- 1987-1994
- Senior Researcher, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Armenian Academy
of Sciences (IOC AAS).
- Modern NMR spectroscopy.
- NMR spectroscopy in liquid crystals.
- Chemical Reactions in liquid crystals.
- 1981-1987
- Junior Researcher, IOC AAS.
- Practice NMR spectroscopy.
- NMR spectroscopy in liquid crystals.
- 1976-1981
- Junior Researcher, Institute of Organic Reactives, IREA, Yerevan, Armenia.
- Molecular structure determination.
- Liquid crystals for optical devices.
- 1986
- Visiting Researcher, Chemical Department, Moscow State University,
USSR (Laboratory of Dr. Yu.A.Ustynyuk). NMR studies of some monosubstituted
benzenes in nematic solvents.
- 1979
- Visiting Researcher, Institute of Chemical Physics, Moscow, USSR (Laboratory
of Dr. Y.Lebedev). ESR in liquid crystals.
- 1972-74
- Junior Researcher, Burakan Astrophysical Observatory Academy Sciences
of Armenia (ASA).
- Properties of mixtures of liquid crystals of opposite signs of some
physical charachteristics.
- Theory of vibration-rotation couplings.
- Ordering of solute molecules in liquid crystals.
- Visualization of enantiomers.
- Sample spinning at various angles including near the magic angle.
- New experimental techniques in NMR of oriented molecules.
- Automatic analysisof NMR spectra.
- Chemical reactions in liquid crystals controlled by NMR spectroscopy.
- Science policy.
- Measurement of scientific activities.
Prof. Yu.A.Ustynyuk, Head of Laboratory, Department of Chemistry Moscow
State University 119899, Moscow, Leninskie Gori phone: (7095) 136 36 00
Prof. H.B.Maranjian, Head of Laboratory, Institute of Informatics and
Automation Problems of National Academy of Science 375044, Yerevan, P.
Sevak str.1 phone: (78852) 282 010 e-mail:
1. Sergeev N.M., Torochesnikov V.N., Roznytovskii V.A., Panosyan G.A.,
Shahatuni A.G., Khrimyan A.P. Configuration and Conformation Derived From
1H and 13C NMR Spectroscopy of a Series of Substituted Penta-1,3-dien-5-ols.
Magn.Reson.Chem., 1991, 29, P.762-765.
2. Shakhatuni A.G., Panosyan G.A., Chertkov V.A., Sergeev N.M. Proton
skeleton structure of nitrobenzene from nematic-phase NMR data. Zh.Strukt.Khim.,
1987, 28(2), pp.177-80 (CA 1988, 108, 93989r).
3. Shakhatuni A.G., Sergeev N.M. Panosyan G.A. The R-alfa structure
of the proton skeleton of brombenzene oriented in the nematic phase. Vestn.Mosk.Univ.,
ser.2, Khim. 1987, 28(5), pp.477-81 (CA 1988, 108, 14275d).
4. Shahatuni A.G. Solvents effects in the molecular structure by NMR
spectroscopy in liquid crystals. Diss. Ph.D. Thesis Moscow State Univ.,
USSR, (1987).
5. Solomin A.A., Nstislavski V.I., Shahatuni A.G., Grishin Yu.K., Ustynyuk
Yu.A. 1H, 199Hg NMR spectra of ethyl mercury halogenides partially oriented
in nematic phase, Vestn.Mosc.Univ., ser. Chem., 1984, v.25(1), pp. 78-80.
6. Tumanian N.P., Shahatuni A.G. Atermic model of nematic liquid crystals,
Arm.Chem.J., 1982, v.35, 2, pp. 103-109.
Signature 10 June 1997