NMR of Oriented Molecules
General Meetings


This page prepared automatically from data including in abstracts of publications.

Simposium on ordered fluids and LC, Symposium on Ordered Fluids and Liquid Crystals (150th Meeting of the ACS), USA, Atlantic City
Proceedings: Advances in Chemistry Series, No. 63 (ACS: Washington), 1967, 332pp.; Edt. R.F.Gould
2nd International LC conference, 2nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, USA, Kent
Proceedings: Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 1968, v. 7, 486pp. and 1969, v. 8, 487pp.
16th Congress Ampere, Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena
4th International LC conference, 4th International Liquid Crystal Conference, USA, Kent
Proceedings: Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 1973, v. 21, 1-274
17th Congress Ampere, Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena
International Conference on LC, International Conference on Liquid Crystals. Held at the Raman Research Institute, India, Bangalore
Proceedings: Edts.: Chandrasekhar S. (Ind.Acad.Sci.:Bangalore) 1975, 568pp. Pramana, Suppl. No 1
5th International LC conference, 5th International Liquid Crystal Conference, Sweden, Stockholm
Proceedings: J.Phys. Colloque C-1, 1975, 36, 421pp.
Symp. on phys.-chem.aspects of LC, Symposium on physical-chemical aspects of liquid crystals, Germany, Konigstein
Proceedings: Ber.Bunsenges.Phys.Chem., 1974, 78, 9, 818-965
18th Congress Ampere, Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena
Symposium on thermotropic smectics, Symposium on thermotropic smectics and their applications, France, Les Arcs
Proceedings: Journal de Physique C-3, 1976, 37, 164pp.
6th International LC conference, 6th International Liquid Crystal Conference, USA, Kent
Proceedings: Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 1976, v. 37; 1977, v. 38, v. 40, v. 42
19th Congress Ampere, Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena
Symposium of Pulsed NMR in solids, Symposium of Pulsed NMR in Solids, UK, London
Proceedings: Faraday Symp.Chem.Soc., 1978, 13, 1
ESF 6th Polym.workshop LC polum.sys, Eur.Sci.Found. 6th Polym.Workshop Liq.Cryst.Polym.Syst., Lyngby
Proceedings: Recent Adv. Liq.Cryst.Polym. Proc.Eur.Sci.Found. 6th Polym.Workshop, London-New York, 1985
Int.Sch.Phys. Enrico Fermi,, Int.Sch.Phys. Enrico Fermi; Course 90: Phys.Amphiphiles. Micelles, Vesicles and Microemulsions., Italy, Varenna on Lake
Proceedings: Proc.Int.Sch.Phys.Enrico Fermi, Course 90: Phys.Amphiphiles: Micelles, Vesicles and Microemulsions. Bologna, 1985
NATO ASI "NMR of Liquid Crystals", NMR of Liquid Crystals NATO Advanced Study Institute, Italy, San Miniato
Proceedings: NMR of Liquid Crystals, ed. J.W.Emsley, NATO ASI Series, C:Mathemathical and Physical Sciences, vol. 141, D.Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, 1985, 572pp.
22 Congress Ampere, Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena, Switzerland, Zurich
2nd Conf.Mod.Meth.Radiofreq.Spectr., 2nd Conference on Modern Methods in Radiofrequency Spectroscopy, Reinhardsbrunn
Pittsbourgh Conf.Anal.Chem.&Appl.Sp, Pittsburgh Conference and Expo Anal.Chem. and Appl.Spectroscopy, USA, Atlantic City
Proceedings: Abstr.Pap.Pitsburgh Conf.and Expo Anal.Chem. and Appl.Spec.
6th Symposium on Liquid Crystals, , Ukraina, Chernigov
Proceedings: 6th Symposium on Liquid Crystals, Thes., Chernigov, 1988, part 1-4
8st Symposium, 6th Symposium on Intermolecular Interactions and Molecular Conformations, Rossia, Novosibirsk
Proceedings: Thes., 1990, Novosibirsk, pt. 1-2

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Last Update: April 23th, 1997
By: Alexan Shahatuni (alexsh@nmr1.ioc.ac.ru)