NMR of Oriented Molecules
General Meetings
This page prepared automatically from data including in abstracts of publications.
- 1965
- Simposium on ordered fluids and LC, Symposium on Ordered Fluids and Liquid Crystals (150th Meeting of the ACS), USA, Atlantic City
- Proceedings: Advances in Chemistry Series, No. 63 (ACS: Washington), 1967, 332pp.; Edt. R.F.Gould
- 1968
- 2nd International LC conference, 2nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, USA, Kent
- Proceedings: Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 1968, v. 7, 486pp. and 1969, v. 8, 487pp.
- 1970
- 16th Congress Ampere, Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena
- 1972
- 4th International LC conference, 4th International Liquid Crystal Conference, USA, Kent
- Proceedings: Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 1973, v. 21, 1-274
- 17th Congress Ampere, Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena
- 1973
- International Conference on LC, International Conference on Liquid Crystals. Held at the Raman Research Institute, India, Bangalore
- Proceedings: Edts.: Chandrasekhar S. (Ind.Acad.Sci.:Bangalore) 1975, 568pp. Pramana, Suppl. No 1
- 1974
- 5th International LC conference, 5th International Liquid Crystal Conference, Sweden, Stockholm
- Proceedings: J.Phys. Colloque C-1, 1975, 36, 421pp.
- Symp. on phys.-chem.aspects of LC, Symposium on physical-chemical aspects of liquid crystals, Germany, Konigstein
- Proceedings: Ber.Bunsenges.Phys.Chem., 1974, 78, 9, 818-965
- 18th Congress Ampere, Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena
- 1975
- Symposium on thermotropic smectics, Symposium on thermotropic smectics and their applications, France, Les Arcs
- Proceedings: Journal de Physique C-3, 1976, 37, 164pp.
- 1976
- 6th International LC conference, 6th International Liquid Crystal Conference, USA, Kent
- Proceedings: Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 1976, v. 37; 1977, v. 38, v. 40, v. 42
- 19th Congress Ampere, Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena
- 1978
- Symposium of Pulsed NMR in solids, Symposium of Pulsed NMR in Solids, UK, London
- Proceedings: Faraday Symp.Chem.Soc., 1978, 13, 1
- 1983
- ESF 6th Polym.workshop LC polum.sys, Eur.Sci.Found. 6th Polym.Workshop Liq.Cryst.Polym.Syst., Lyngby
- Proceedings: Recent Adv. Liq.Cryst.Polym. Proc.Eur.Sci.Found. 6th Polym.Workshop, London-New York, 1985
- Int.Sch.Phys. Enrico Fermi,, Int.Sch.Phys. Enrico Fermi; Course 90: Phys.Amphiphiles. Micelles, Vesicles and Microemulsions., Italy, Varenna on Lake
- Proceedings: Proc.Int.Sch.Phys.Enrico Fermi, Course 90: Phys.Amphiphiles: Micelles, Vesicles and Microemulsions. Bologna, 1985
- NATO ASI "NMR of Liquid Crystals", NMR of Liquid Crystals NATO Advanced Study Institute, Italy, San Miniato
- Proceedings: NMR of Liquid Crystals, ed. J.W.Emsley, NATO ASI Series, C:Mathemathical and Physical Sciences, vol. 141, D.Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, 1985, 572pp.
- 1984
- 22 Congress Ampere, Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena, Switzerland, Zurich
- 1985
- 2nd Conf.Mod.Meth.Radiofreq.Spectr., 2nd Conference on Modern Methods in Radiofrequency Spectroscopy, Reinhardsbrunn
- 1987
- Pittsbourgh Conf.Anal.Chem.&Appl.Sp, Pittsburgh Conference and Expo Anal.Chem. and Appl.Spectroscopy, USA, Atlantic City
- Proceedings: Abstr.Pap.Pitsburgh Conf.and Expo Anal.Chem. and Appl.Spec.
- 1988
- 6th Symposium on Liquid Crystals, , Ukraina, Chernigov
- Proceedings: 6th Symposium on Liquid Crystals, Thes., Chernigov, 1988, part 1-4
- 1990
- 8st Symposium, 6th Symposium on Intermolecular Interactions and Molecular Conformations, Rossia, Novosibirsk
- Proceedings: Thes., 1990, Novosibirsk, pt. 1-2
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Last Update: April 23th, 1997
By: Alexan Shahatuni (alexsh@nmr1.ioc.ac.ru)